New Parishioner:    FAQ 

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How do I get involved with the Parish and get to know people?


First of all, coming to mass is a great way to meet people, especially if you stay afterwards to visit, or join in the monthly pancake breakfasts. In addition to this, it really depends what your interests are! There is a section on the parish website titled “Get Involved” this is a great place to check back to see what new activities or groups there are to join.


If you are a woman, the CWL or Catholic Women's League is a great place to meet other Catholic women. They meet once a month on the fourth Tuesday from 7-9pm. The CWL socialize, pray together, learn about the faith and serve the community. Their contact information is


In addition to the CWL we have the Knights of Columbus for men. There is the French and English Council. Similar to the CWL, as a Knight you have the opportunity to support your parish, give back to your community and grow in your faith. Please visit the parish website and click the heading “K of C” for more information.


There are also various other groups at the parish. There is Familia for women who would like to learn more about Church teaching, grow in faith and make friends. There is the Bible Study group which meets weekly to study scripture and learn about there faith. For men, there is a Men's group which meets twice a month to pray, read the weekly gospel reading and apply it to their lives.


What can my children be involved in?


If you have a child in grade 2, then this would be their year to prepare for first reconciliation and first communion. If you have a child in grade 6, then this is their year to prepare for Confirmation. You can visit the parish website for all the relevant information. If you have a child that is older than these grades but has missed one of these sacraments, please contact the office at 780-929-8541.


In addition to sacramental preparation we have Children's Liturgy every Sunday at the 11 am mass (October to June, not including special holidays). This is offered for children ages 3-6. Children's Liturgy is taught by a group of teachers who help the weekly gospel come alive in a way that makes sense to children.


K4J or Kids for Jesus, is an exciting opportunity for youth Grade 1 through grade 9. K4J meets once a month on Thursdays. From Grade 1 to grade 4 the program offered helps in still the virtues. The program is designed to be worked on throughout the month at home, so that parents reinforce the virtue being learned at K4J. The evenings start out with an opening prayer/assembly to introduce the virtue for the month. This assembly involves drama, music and fun! The kids have a snack station, scripture station, craft station, saint station etc. Grades 5-9 will also be involved "teaching" the younger ages (by leading the dramas and songs) and, in turn, also learn about their own faith and the virtues.


Are there Catholic Schools in Beaumont?




There are currently three Catholic schools in Beaumont, St.Andre Academy, which is an elementary school (Kindergarten - Grade 4, contact #: 780-929-2961) and Mother D'Youville School (Grade 5 - 9, contact #: 780-929-0792), both offer English as well as French Immersion. The other Catholic school is a Francophone school, Ecole St.Vital. Their contact information is: 780-929-1183



Who is the Parish team?


First of all, the church is not only a building, but it is a fleshly reality. That means, the church is you! Yes, we need you, your gifts and talents and involvement to make this church community vibrant and what God intends it to be. Have you been involved with a ministry in the past? Do you have any gifts and talents you would like to share? Let us know!


We have many people and groups who help the church to function on a daily basis... The Parish Council: John deRuiter (Chairperson), Heather Oulton (Vice Chairperson), Jackie Abello (Secretary), Rodrigue Lalonde, Pebbles deRuiter, Anna Trach, Paul Weisenberger.


Please feel free to grab any one of these individuals if you have any thoughts, concerns or comments. They are here to serve you!


The Parish Finance committee is made up of: Joe Halbach (chairperson), Carmen Grayson, Joceline LeBlanc, Dennis Madu.


The Parish team also consists of our wonderful parish secretary, Jeanette Gariepy, who is in many ways the face of the parish, as she is the warm, welcoming individual you will first meet if you come visit us at the parish office!


Finally, last but not least, we have our parish priest Fr. Arlan Parenteau.



How do I contribute financially to the Parish?


There are a few main ways to contribute financially. There are envelopes which get put into the basket weekly at the time of collection, email money transfer, or there is direct deposit. Forms for new parishioners are at the back of the parish and you can sign up for which method you prefer.


Why should I give?


As you know, a worshiping faith community must rely on the generosity, participation and financial contributions of its family members in order to live its call of celebrating our faith and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. As stewards of the Church, we have an obligation to insure that the Church has the means to pay its bills, minister effectively, developed needed programs and to be sustained over many years for our children as well as their children. We need your help, since YOU are the church!


How much should I give?


No one can tell you how much to give to the Church. The concept of the golden hour has often been suggested and should probably be used by everyone as a guideline to how much to contribute on a weekly basis. The concept can be stated as follows: “Give to the Church the equivalent of your first (1) hour of your earnings every week” The concept is simple enough. Regardless of whether you are earning an hourly wage, a monthly salary, retirement income, or self-employment income, you can easily calculate the average value of one (1) hour of earnings. If both husband and wife are working combine the hourly wages. Children and youth who baby-sit, receive allowances, or have part-time jobs should also contribute their golden hour. Every confirmed Catholic should contribute in time, talent and treasure.



What is "paying down the debt" or "shadow boxes"?



You may have noticed that recently the parish underwent a great amount of renovations. This was much needed and in many cases a necessity for safety and the ongoing use of the building. There was also a building of a rectory in order to accommodate additional staff.


Tragically, in July 2017 we lost the office building to fire. We are taking the opportunity to rebuild and expand as we are in need of more office and meeting spaces.  


As such the parish as accumulated debt with the diocese. We have, as a parish, many initiatives under way to pay back this debt. We do bazaars and fundraisers. In addition there is a great project called the "shadow boxes."  In the basement of the church there is a floor plan.  Anyone interested has the opportunity to buy a "square foot" of the church for $100.  You are able to set these payments up as direct deposit, or make donations with check or cash.  Your name would then (if you wish) be engraved permanently on the floor plan in the basement of the church.


Please consider becoming involved with these initiatives so that as a parish we can work together to pay off what we owe for the much needed work that was done. 



A few other reminders...


 A few things to remember. First, please remember that the building/maintenance envelopes or the special collection envelopes are for the collection of dollars for special parish projects or charities. Please, don’t give to the special collection or building/maintenance and then forget the ordinary collection envelope. They are not in lieu of your ordinary donations but over and above your weekly contributions. “Please don’t take from Peter to Pay Paul!!!” Finally, if you are going to be away, don’t forget the parish. Automatic withdrawal helps with this, making an advance payment or make up your contribution upon returning home. The bills still need to be paid each month!

Saint Vital Parish

Paroisse Saint Vital

4905 50 street

Beaumont AB

T4X 1J9




(780) 929-8541




(780) 929-2915

Weekend Mass Times/

Horaire des Messes:



5:00PM    English  


9:00AM    Bilingual

11:00AM  English



Daily Mass/Messes

sur Semaine**:


Tues to Fri:   



**Daily mass schedule subject to change.




11:00AM - Noon
In the church.

Or by appointment.